New EXSKS series: EXSKS-05 type is called “KATANA”. Inspired by the Japanese Samurai sword, “KATANA” is named for its ability to smoothly cut through workpieces just like butter. It has unique and firm clamping system with 3D geometry insert and M3 size screw, performs maximum depth of cut when high feed machining is .050″(1.25mm). Available in modular head, end mill and face mill styles.
SKG-09 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This 9mm square insert was specifically designed for machining aerospace components. The 4 cornered inserts are made for cutting Ni-base heat resistant alloys, titanium alloys, and hardened...
SKG-10 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The SKG-10 is a high feed cutter that has a low cutting force. The maximum depth of cut on this 10mm square insert is .060”. The square...
SKG-14 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This 14mm works great for running high feed programs on CAT50 and heavy horsepower machines. Max depth of cut on the insert is .100” and can handle...